Root Canal Treatment in Louisville, KY & Frankfort, KY

At Signature Smiles and Designing Smiles, we perform root canals to save your natural tooth from being extracted. A root canal therapy is a highly-refined dental procedure that is performed to get rid of the infection in the pulp chamber of the tooth caused due to trauma, decay, or gum disease. The procedure involves removing the infected pulp and disinfecting the tooth. This is done by removing the decayed tooth pulp and cleaning out the infected area using a special file. Once the diseased tissues are removed, the area is disinfected and sealed using a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.
A root canal is a simple treatment that leads to a significant improvement in the patient's quality of life. Our dentist performs root canal therapy at our dental practice and ensures that patients regain their beautiful smiles without any visible signs of oral damage or discomfort.

What Are the Benefits of Root Canals?

  • Swelling and tenderness on the gums
  • A bad odor from the infected gums
  • Severe pain while chewing food or biting the sides
  • Discoloration of the gums
  • Loosening of teeth from their sockets
  • Bleeding gums
  • Pus formation

 What Are the Benefits of Root Canals?

The benefits of root canal procedures are numerous, including:
  • It helps retain healthy teeth. 
  • It prevents further tooth damage through extraction. 
  • It prevents tooth loss as it can provide an alternative treatment to bridgework or dentures. 
  • It gives an immediate improvement in dental health.
  • It improves overall oral health and can prevent systemic infections such as diabetes or heart disease. 
  • It is a quick and comfortable procedure that requires minimal appointment time for the patient. 

How Is a Root Canal Procedure Performed?

At Signature Smiles and Designing Smiles, our dentist performs root canal therapy using advanced technology and minimizes pain and discomfort during treatment. The procedure begins with local anesthesia to numb sensation in your teeth and gums as well as to eliminate discomfort during treatment. The affected tooth is then isolated using a dental dam to prevent saliva contamination during treatment. 

The dentist works meticulously with precision instruments to remove the decayed pulp from the infected area before placing a temporary filling to keep the site dry during healing. After cleaning out all areas of decay, our dentist disinfects them thoroughly with antiseptic solutions. She puts a permanent filling before sealing everything with a resin material to protect your tooth from further infection or decay. Finally, you will have an enduring fixed restoration like a crown to protect your restored tooth.   

Root Canal Treatment in Frankfort, KY And Louisville, KY

Signature Smiles is located in Louisville, KY, and Designing Smiles is located in Frankfort, KY. Call us at (502) 326-1800 or (502) 226-1900 and schedule an appointment to learn more about our dental services.


4642 Chamberlain Ln Suite 252, Louisville, KY 40261

Office Hours

MON - THU 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUN Closed

Get in Touch


Phone: (502) 326-1800


630 Comanche Trail Suite A, Frankfort, KY 40601

Office Hours

MON - SUN Closed

Get in Touch


Phone: (502) 226-1900

Signature Smiles (502) 326-1800 Louisville Designing Smiles (502) 226-1900 Frankfort